DCWG issued an open invitation to interested parties to attend its October committee meeting to address questions and discuss concerns regarding the……
Author: dunbarwoods
Dunbar Community Woodland Group
Protecting Locally Important Habitat
help by donating or volunteering
Volunteers sought 24th August for stand at “Sparkling Dunbar” at Victoria Harbour
Next Saturday, 24th August, sees the second Harbour Festival organised by the Harbour Trust and we have agreed to take a table……
Cob Oven Building Workshop
We are running a cob oven building course in Lochend Wood at the end of August (starting on 29th August) in conjunction with……
Quids In Theatre Company Presents – Mad About John Muir
Mad About Muir – Sunday 18th August 2pm Mad About Muir – Sunday 18th August 2pm
ALERT: There will be an extraordinary clean-up session in the woods this Sunday, 14th July, 2pm. Meet corner Brodie Street/Steadings Crescent. Two……
Come Celebrate John Muir Day on 21 April
John Muir’s Birthday CelebrationApril 21 at 1:00pm The Gathering Place, Kellie Road,Lochend Woods, Dunbar
Annual Spring Clean
Meet at corner of Kellie and Middlemass Roads, by the JM Stone. Litter pickers, gloves and bags all provided, but feel free……
Kellie Road through Lochend Woods, a special place for Hannah Lavery
The Scottish Book Trust has published a book of over thirty stories stories and poems to celebrate Book Week Scotland in November……
November events + news
What’s happening in November?? Remember Remember the 4th of November! tree planting event – Sunday 4th Nov, 1pm till 3pm A great……
Pump Track is go!
We heard last week that we’d received planning permission for our cycling fitness track in the woods. More information here. Thanks to……