Cob Oven Building Workshop


We are running a cob oven building course in Lochend Wood at the end of August (starting on 29th August) in conjunction with Sustaining Dunbar. Using clay dug from the woodland, we will mix ‘cob’ to create an oven as part of an ‘outdoor kitchen’ area in the ‘gathering space’, to be used by Dunbar Community Woodland Group and other groups running activities in the woodland. If you would like to have fun, get messy and learn all about this ancient and versatile building material then please come along. For the full experience you will need to attend all four days but, space permitting, it should be possible to attend for any single, day as a ‘taster’ . More information here: Cob Oven Building Workshop

Please get in touch to book or for further information:
phone: 01368 866920
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By dunbarwoods

Dunbar Community Woodland Group Protecting Locally Important Habitat help by donating or volunteering