Become a member
Will you help us please?
We need you to help us – but the level of your commitment is down to you! You can simply join as an individual member or you and your household can join collectively.
- In return you will receive our newsletter, gain a lot of satisfaction from knowing you are doing your bit and make new friends – no matter how small your involvement
- You can also volunteer to help us with the minor maintenance projects and other events and woodland activities that we get involved with -such as footpath upkeep, litter collection and tree planting etc.
- And you will be very welcome to come along to the regular meetings we hold and contribute to the running and administration of the Group – or simply attend as an observer
- We suggest an annual donation of £10 for an individual member or £20 for a household -but please give as much or little as you can afford.
“Lochend Woods belong to the townsfolk of Dunbar and we are simply looking after them for future generations.”