Members meeting date 15 August

Outline of Lochend Woods

Dear Members

This is to let you know that the next committee meeting of DCWG will be on Wednesday, 15 August, 7.30 at Hallhill Sports Centre.

Among topics for discussion will be the proposed pump track – so for those of you interested in this, you are welcome to join us.

(all are welcome to stay for all agenda items, but do not feel under obligation to stay for the whole meeting)

Anther topic which has been brought to our attention is dog fouling, and what we can do about it.

There will be other items to discuss, more of an administrative nature.

Please also see below an open invitation to attend the 25th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of the FIRST community woodland. Wooplaw is truly inspirational. They lead the way in greenwood working, woodland art and sculpture, woodland and pond management. They are keen for as many people as possible to come along and share in the celebrations and see their great achievements and hard work.

If this interests you, please do attend – it will be great day out.


Community Liaison, DCWG

Categorised as Events, News

By dunbarwoods

Dunbar Community Woodland Group Protecting Locally Important Habitat help by donating or volunteering